Matthew iovane | Picasso's 'The Old Guitarist'

Created in 1903, after the death of Casagemas, Pablo Picasso's 'The Old Guitarist' is one of the best representations of the 'Blue' period for Picasso. Pablo Picasso was one the founding fathers of cubism, and definitely wore his heart on his sleeve. After the suicide and subsequent death of his closest friend, Casagemas, in a Parisian café where they had spent so much time, Pablo Picasso shifted his palette of rainbow-colors to a more depressed hue. 'The Old Guitarist' was painted in a series of solemn colorful efforts, all circled around musical instruments and the color, blue. Named appropriately as the blue period, this was the point in Pablo Picasso's life, where he demonstrated how much pain and beauty is wrapped up in artistic work. The tortured artist came out during this period and was in no way shape or form ashamed of that emotion. "Pain and death are integral parts of life", Pablo Picasso would be heard saying, so many times,...